Connecting the waxy black dots

In times of change, I grab my black crayon and sticky notes.

I sit at my kitchen counter and work out a way forward in a loose pile of small, thick-lined diagrams punctuated by key phrases.

The simplicity, crudeness, and non-linearness of the medium makes the biggest challenges seem surmountable and their solutions visible.

Now in between jobs and thinking about what I want to do next, I recently took up these familiar tools again.

I drew simple pictures of the stories I tell and re-tell about work, family and myself, and then mixed them up and rearranged them to find clues as to why they’re sticky, what they have in common, and where they might lead.

And then I started writing.

I’m not sure that I’m closer to the answer. But the Post-it® Notes are plentiful. So why not keep going.

Thanks for reading.

~ Laurel


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